Speak Like a President

Maria Broom

Speak Like a President

Speak Like a President

This workshop is designed for classes of adults, college students and high schoolers. It begins with a restful meditation to clear the mind and focus on deep breathing. The session continues with a vocal warm-up using the Primordial Sound Technique. This technique helps to strengthen and enrich the voice, making it more resonant. We then begin with extensive ‘word work’ which exercises the muscles of the mouth, focusing on clear and beautiful speech. 

Bards of Baltimore (or…)

This workshop is designed for grades 3 thru 8, introducing young people to the world of clear expressive speech and correct pronunciation. The students will learn the Primordial Sound Technique and the focus will be on the ‘word work’ which trains the mouth to enunciate well. They will work on the memorization of “Oh The Place’s I’ll Go”, a spin off from Dr. Seuss.

The First Ladies

This workshop is designed for girls 10 through 16 of age in training for leadership. Along with the skills of expressive delivery, correct pronunciation and beautiful speaking, the young ladies will explore the need for good posture, calm behavior and self-respect.

To request a workshop or series of sessions: Maribroom@aol.com