The Village Bully

The Village Bully

In an idealistic effort to reduce damaging angry behavior… teachers, counselors and parents constantly look for ways to help children to create a world of love and kindness. The Village Bully Project seeks to introduce this loving healing tradition from another culture, to this society’s youngest citizens. The most logical setting for it is in the classroom. The project is based on the book which must be read aloud in class. Written by Maria Broom and vividly illustrated by John Malloy, this urban story/poem introduces a simple practice that can be done regularly in a classroom, a children’s group, camp or even in a family.

• In one African village, when a person does something truly hurtful,
work stops as everyone, young and old, circles around the accused.
• Each one tells all the good things they remember about the person.
• Every positive incident, strength and kindness is recited in detail.
• The ceremony can often last several days and ends in celebration.
• The ‘circle of love’ helps the person to feel and remember who he is.